Friday 23 August 2013

Screams in the night

Oh boy, some sleep would be good. Maybe a lot of sleep. But some definitely, more than i got last night would be helpful for sure. 

Dragging my ass all over the place today, a hot chocolate and double chocolate donut is not doing anything to perk me up. It's going to be a lo-o-o-o-ong day

For starters I haven't even been sleeping full nights with Big C this week. I think I got through 1 complete night in the last week in our bed and that's it.

No marital spat, just a overtired husband that is snoring up a storm every night and I cannot sleep thru it. He feels bad, but an entire week away last week and some cold like symptoms are proving to be the perfect snoring combination of fatigue and nasal congestion.

So I've been heading to the spare bedroom for most of my nights. Sleeping pretty well I might add, which leads me to believe that couples should really not ever sleep together, but that is another post someday.

I stayed up a bit later last night. By later, I mean almost 10pm. A night owl household we are not! Big C sawing huge amounts of wood by the time I hit the bedroom so I just headed straight for the spare bed.

All was good till about 2:30 am. Then the screaming started. Our little daughter howled like there was the biggest most horrific monster holding her down, chasing her or whatever.

Dear God, what a rude way to be awoke from your sleep. It's petrifying, the person you most want to protect in your life sounds like they are being tortured in the next room.

Your body and mind can't react fast enough it seems, you just fling yourself in the general direction of their bedroom in hopes that you can stop whatever is causing the blood curdling screams.

I'm sure most, if not all parents have had this happen to them with all of their kids, and this wasn't the first time for Miss K, but it never ceases to scare the shit out of me each and every time

Sometimes I'm convinced she sees something in her room. We've had discussions on whether the house has a ghost but that is only between Big C and myself and again a topic for another post. 

Sometimes I'm not even sure she's awake when she's crying out. Sometimes she's darn near out of her room, in a hurry to escape whatever is after her.

I'm sure overall its way more traumatic for the parents than the kids when they have a nightmare, as usually she doesn't even remember being up in the night.

Last night was a rough one, she was definitely scared of something, took forever to get her calmed down and back to sleep, which means we didn't sleep, which means I might just have a sleep at lunch instead of eating…

The dog always used to scare me when she'd yelp before a seizure, you knew what was imminent with that, and it was frightening in and of itself.

But, to not know what is wrong, to be blissfully asleep and be jerked awake by your baby's howls is not a fun process.

So, I hope her day goes well, I hope we all can get a good nights rest until there are screams in the night once again…

One funny thing to come out of it, I had a dream that we went on some sort of vacation and Big C brought along his special black hi-top runners with purple and rainbow trim…heehee. Please understand that Big C is the exact opposite of black hi-tops with purple trim….hey I thought it was funny…Big C not so much :-)

Til next time….sweet dreams...

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