Thursday 8 August 2013

Is the 15 minutes worth it?

Maybe it's the introvert in me coming out, but I don't understand the obsession to either create your own 15 minutes of fame or follow those who are carving out their own place in history. I don't really understand "reality" TV either. 

There are those that are famous by virtue of some talent, some event or even because of who their parents are. I somehow get the fascination with movie stars, sports heros, royalty and the like, you live vicariously through them just a little. 

I've sat down in my day to read People magazine or US Weekly to catch a glimpse into a life I will never know. I kind of understand why people especially here in Canada are obsessed with the British monarchy. The queen is on our money, why shouldn't we be?

It's all the other stuff I don't get. 

Who are the Kardashians and why exactly are they splashed across every tabloid and magazine around the world?

Why do I care if Justin Bieber had 2 chocolate dip donuts and didn't say thank you to the Tim Horton's employee?

Do I really need to know Lady Gaga's current hairstyle?

Does anyone care if Simon Cowell slept with more than just his current girlfriend/wife?

Why do supposed stars have to give their kids stupid names. Do they not think ahead 20 years when that kid is going to enrol in college?

And all those photos? Cellulite, baby bumps, bad fashion choices is this really important to life as we know it?

Yes, I know its an escape for some, seeing/hearing/reading about all these things is relaxing and energizing they say. But I still don't understand the need on one side to draw so much attention to yourself you end up all over social media and the internet. And the sad obsession with others to take joy in other people's misfortune or fame.

Perhaps the media is to blame, hard to avoid all these stories when it's jammed down your throat everyday. To a certain extent the media determines what we see/hear out there and if they get a response to all this crap, that is what they're going to keep feeding us.

I'm guessing that is the reason for all the "reality" tv out there. If anyone really believes that there isn't any scripting in these shows, I've got news for you. Most are about as real as Joan Rivers face.

I don't think I can take much more. 

I will watch Amazing Race as I have a love for travel and like seeing all the places they go. We've been know to watch the odd Gordon Ramsay show as Big C has a unnatural affection for that man. We'll catch Deadliest Catch, or a couple other Discovery Channel/National Geographic channel shows. But they tend towards documentary than "reality" in those cases.

It's all the wedding dress, honey boo boo, tiara wearing modern dad with sister wives and naughty maids that I can do without. Hillbillies with money, millionaires who live in a shack, whatever is out there I'm sure that there is worse stuff than I can even list.

It is not stuff that I would want my kid to watch or anyone else's kids. The number of children who can quote from Dog the Bounty Hunter scares me just a little.

I long for shows where people actually act and writers really write lines for people. 

Maybe its cheaper to set up a camera outside your house or inside it and just record what goes on. Which leads me to Big Brother…another show I've never really understood.

It really really makes me want to just cancel my cable subscription all together. Just forget TV, the tabloids and the internet and go live in the woods. Maybe the squirrels and birds won't know who the Kardashian's are either

Til next time…

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