Tuesday 18 December 2012

Bad Bookends

Just finished a 3 day weekend with the family. Was nice to have that extra day off ahead of the Christmas break. 

We headed off on Saturday for our annual stay over visit with our friends who live about 150km away. My husband's godson is our daughter's godfather, so it makes for some nice almost "family" time. The godson/godfather's parents are close family friends of my husband, and over the years have become friends of mine as well.

One of those places that you go, where you hug one another, take off your shoes, put what you need in their fridge and kick your feet up on the couch and make yourself at home. No formalities, no should I say or not say this, what do I need to bring blah, blah, blah. Just good old fashioned, down to earth people who welcome you wholeheartedly to their home with no strings or pretence attached.

It was nice, a pain in the ass to get everything caught up at home prior to being away, but like a mini vacation. No meals to plan, no laundry/cleaning, just kicking back and getting caught up with one another. 

Miss K is 2 and a half and her godfather is 16, she's a little wary of him, but they seem to have fun together despite the age difference. Lots of food was eaten and a few bottles of wine finished, a nice way to spend your time.

We left there on the Sunday, so that my husband could get his infant fix. Infant fix you ask? Yes, my hubby, the big C, loves and I mean loves infants. 3 months or less and he's all over it. 

A little odd perhaps, but he thinks they're the greatest, all snuggly and helpless, he glows all over when he's got a little one in his arms.

A good friend of mine had her second child just a month ago, so we took the opportunity Sunday to visit. 

Big C in his glory, Miss K a little apprehensive of the little fellow. Took some getting used to for her. Me, well, I'm first to admit I don't care for the infant stage. Yes, I miss that baby smell and the downy soft hair, but I wouldn't trade that for 2 and a half year old any day of the week.

Off to dinner out afterwards, the highlight of which was my kid seeing Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus and 2 helpers eating at the same restaurant as her. She honestly hasn't really caught on to the whole Santa thing just yet, but she did know that it was cool that he was eating at the same restaurant as her.

Then off to stay in a hotel. Some will think oh how nice, others who know me would wonder why we're staying in a hotel when we live about 35 minutes away.

Well, Miss K. has an obsession for hotels. Loves 'em. We got a one night stay at a silent auction we were at in the summer for a very reasonable price. We briefly contemplated an adults only, nice dinner, some drinks etc… but when you see the look on her face you don't even think about date night.

Being a Sunday night it was not that busy and we were lucky enough to get a room that had a view of the city's Christmas display, and a giant king bed for her to watch TV in. Not that we watched tv, we looked at the lights, did colours, had snacks etc…

The room was a suite, so we stashed her bed in the living area of the room, she was a little miffed that she couldn't see the TV from her bed (we'd never let her watch TV b4 bed anyway) and was asleep in about 30 seconds from all the activity.

Bless her little heart, after we picked up the dog from my mom's on Monday she asked if we were going back to the room. Lord, she'll put us in the poor house if this addiction to  staying away from home continues.

So, good weekend you say, on a scale of one to 10, yes, I'd give it a 9 or better. And you ask where the bookends come in. Well that's the not so nice part.

Of course Friday was that horrific shooting in Connecticut. Really nothing I can say on that. Everyone has probably already said it, just so horribly horribly sad. Could not watch or read much on it, or look at any school age kids for too long, just hurt too much.

So that was the first bad bookend to an otherwise fantastic weekend. The second was our dog's seizure Monday night.
She's been prone to them in the last few years. The best we can figure is it's somehow stress related. Not obvious stress, like thunderstorms or loud noises etc… but rather something more intangible. Some little things seem to kick her into an unstoppable chain of events resulting in a seizure. 

Fortunately or unfortunately my hubby was home last night. Fortunately, because it meant i didn't have to deal with her alone for those agonizing couple of minutes. Unfortunately, because she's his hunting buddy and he's got such a big heart it hurts to see her that way. (as if the 5 year anniversary of his mother's death wasn't enough to deal with yesterday).

It will take her a day or 2 to be fully back to her old self. Perhaps we'll get another 2 or 3 months before the next one, perhaps not. 

So it was 3 days of mostly awesomeness, started and finished with reality checks that not everything can be sunshine and buttercups. 

Life is hard, enjoy the moment as you never know what is around the corner I guess is the lesson learned

Til next time...

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