Friday 10 January 2014

Miss K's conversations Part 2

It's been a while since I have wrote anything on the wit and wisdom of Miss K. 

Why anyone would call a conversation with a three year old wit and wisdom is beyond me, but that is the only way I can describe it.

We have some of our best conversations in the car to and from the daycare sitter. It's 5 or 6 minutes of uninterrupted alone time for the 2 of us and it is awesome.

I had to leave early today for the hospital for one of my treatments and believe it or not I missed the trip to the sitter that we usually take.

Sometimes the discussion is about the weather. The sun is just coming up the past few weeks when we're headed out so she likes to check on the clouds and forecast whether or not she will see a rainbow that day. She loves rainbows and is disappointed that they are not a weekly occurrence or even monthly for that matter.

Other days we've discussed why people don't have french fries for breakfast. We pass a vacant lot where the local french fry truck resides and she wonders why it is not there at 7:30 in the morning. She reasons that french fries would be fine for breakfast as long as you didn't have them everyday. She might have a point, people eat hash browns at breakfast, is there really much of a difference??

She thinks it would be cool if the kids would bring there skis/sleds/snowboards to the skatepark. She seems disappointed that it doesn't get used in the snowy months.

We can discuss all three of these things in one trip…she is  a pretty intense talker.

Miss K can tell a story so boring and mundane to you, but the way she tells it sounds like the coolest thing since yogurt tubes. She just has a way of repeating what happened in a day that you smile in spite of yourself.

Speaking of repeating, she has not left that annoying trait behind. As a toddler she would repeat a lot of things we said, it increased her vocabulary and clarity of speech.

Now, at times its just annoying. I don't think she does it intentionally, I think its more habit. Big C will say something to the dog and she deems it necessary to repeat the same thing, much to Big C's dismay and irritation. He actually threatens a time out if it gets too excessive, I think more to make her aware she's doing it, than as an actual punishment.

Miss K has a way of saying things that just make people smile. She can have a drawl, or a cute little girl voice, or just a Miss K conversation inflection.

She is presently thrilled that she can count to 10 in spanish, and I've even had to learn 11-20 so that she can count higher. She's up to 100 (with a little help) in English and is working on her 1-10 in French.

I figure by grade one I'm going to have to go back to school to keep up with her.

It's a good thing, 100%, I'm thrilled to have a kid so excited about learning and talking and expressing herself.

She is still on the quiet and shy side, so I hope this will stay with her in some form throughout her life. I think she will always be an introverted kid, but once she gets to know you watch out… her charm and enthusiasm are gonna be contagious.

She told us a rather lengthy story last night. The details of which are not important. Just that she was so pleased with herself, and she pointed out to us that she had not told us that one before. Yes, we agreed that was a new one and it was a good story. Not a made up one, but a retelling of actual events that was pretty impressive for her age.

My mom is in the sunny south right now and they've actually kind of caught on to the Skype/video chat thing so Miss K is getting a kick out of having another audience in a different country to chat to from time to time.

She just talks and talks and talks some more. I know one day I'm going to wish that she would just say hi to me or tell about her day. For now I'm going to soak all the stories in, save them in a vault for when the teen or tween years hit and the last person she wants to talk to is her mom

Til next time…see if you can get your kids to tell you about their day

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