Thursday 3 January 2013

#2, Stage 4 and Knock Knock Jokes

There it was and gone again, Christmas, New Years, whatever you may celebrate at the end of the year, its done, over, finito, in a blink of an eye, we're into the new year and all the hype and hubbub seems a distant memory.

Christmas stuff starts appearing before Halloween and before you can say jingle bells they've removed it all from the shelves and put out the Valentines day stuff. Good lord, how am I supposed to shop for wrapping paper and bows, when you've removed all the Christmas goodies by the 27th of December. Our retail sector has gone crazy I tell you.

All in all though, it was a good time had by all. There was visiting, presents, drinks and more food than you could possibly imagine. 

Miss K. surprised us all and had all of her gifts open by about 11 am Christmas morning. Her habit of playing with each and every thing that she opened was lessened somewhat and she got through a few gifts before choosing something that needed to be opened and played with.

I dealt with the chaos quite well, I'm not one for "stuff" We always seem to have too much of "stuff" and I seem to always be cleaning it up and putting it away or giving it away or whatever. Big C insists we need a bigger place to put our stuff, I say we just need less stuff. But I digress and that is a whole other entry on "stuff". Let's just say that I dealt with the paper/boxes/gifts/overall clutter pretty well for a couple of days, then I needed to start putting stuff away. Disorder can only be tolerated for so long!

On the very day that Miss K turned 2 and a half, she decided that pooping on the potty was OK to do now. She'd done it sporadically before and has been in big girl underwear (other than to poop) for months now, but I think we might actually be done with this whole process. Not that we really did anything, our approach to it was nonchalant to say the least, and for some reason its worked like a charm. Except for the #2 part.

For about the last year, we know exactly when Miss K is pooping, if not from the look on her face, then from her telling us. She's just been resistant to pooping on the potty, common I hear among kids, but frustrating because it was pretty much only a control issue on her part. As in, I can control when/where I poop and you big people cannot, and I'm going to do just as I please, when I please.

Oh well, think we're past that now, she appears to be pretty impressed with herself, so I think any sort of pull-up or diaper in our house will be a thing of the past. She's been dry at night for months too, which I hear is a huge hurdle to cross too. Onto whatever the next challenge is that she will throw at us.

So, that's all the good stuff. Of course it can't all be good, a couple deaths of people not super close to us, but close enough that you really feel for the folks suffering that sort of loss during the holidays.

Also, a close friends mom has been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. Been fighting with the doctors about a sore back for almost a year, they kept passing it off as an assortment of maladies. When in fact it looks like cancer in the spine, lungs and countless other places. Not a sunny outlook and frustrating when you think that it could have perhaps been caught sooner. Not a lot of details and some shell shocked kids and grandkids dealing with the news. Hurts us too, as she's been like a mom to me at times, so you feel for what they're experiencing. Plus my hubby lost his mom in a similar situation 5 years ago, sucks the big one let me tell you.

Hmm, don't want to leave this on a depressing note, so will sign off with a knock knock joke. Yes, lame, but it took my kid part of a day to learn it at the sitter's so I think its kinda cute

Knock Knock,
Who's there?
Barbie who?
Bar B Q Chicken

Til next time….

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