Thursday 5 December 2013

He's here

Well he's here.

Our new puppy came home last week.

I'm not sure how I feel about it. It's good. It's really good having a dog back in the house. Comforting on some level.

But scary on another. Like being a new parent. This helpless being that relies on you for so much and you wonder how you will ever make it through.

He's cute, really really fluffy black ball of spunky cute. He will stop, sit, tilt his head to one side and just look at you and it makes you melt just a little bit inside.

He's also a pain in the ass. A big one at times.

The first night he was home I got no sleep. I don't mean a few minutes here and a few minutes there, I mean zero minutes. He was up every damn hour and he went pee every single time you took him out.

Now there was some missing of his 10 other litter mates. And adjusting to a new home. But every damn hour?? Oh god what a long night. 

We've had him nearly a week and we're at least down to 2 and 3 hour, sometimes 4 hour stretches at night before he feels the need to pee, so that is helpful.

That and Big C has decided to take one for the team as he says. He's still off work after his appendectomy so easier for him to nap during the day than me. They tend to frown on that in an office environment for some reason.

We're limiting his water and night and he seems to kind of like his crate now so things are getting easier in that department. But a long way to go still.

Miss K is in love. Head over heels in love. He jumps on her (which we're keeping to a minimum as best we can), has got her with the sharp puppy teeth by accident and she still comes back for more.

He loves her too. He thinks she is a puppy…but she's the only thing remotely close to his size, so who can blame him?

He seems pretty smart. As smart as a spazzy puppy could be that is. I'm hoping he ends up well behaved, we're trying for that, but who knows at this stage of the game.

I'm still nervous, still not convinced that this was a good idea, but hoping with all my heart that it will be fine. 

I missed having a dog in the house. I didn't miss the occasional hassle that comes along with them, but missed that presence/love/peace that comes with them

He puts a smile on my face everyday and I guess that's a start…

Til next time…a pic of my big guy that has  a soft feminine side in his choice of resting spots

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