It has been freaking forever since I did a post here. For-ever with a capital F. WTF?
I have no idea what has been going on that I've not been posting. I've been reading lots of blogs but not writing in mine.
Maybe a combo of nothing to say and no time to say nothing…if that even makes sense?
Back to school has been accomplished, we're on day 4 and I'm already hating the whole process. Once we get back into the routine it will be fine I'm sure, but I really dislike forms and lunches and putting names in everything. Which by the way I fail miserably at. I never remember when Miss K gets something new that it needs to be labeled. PITA if you ask me, these kids should be smart enough to keep track of their own shit shouldn't they?
Home life is pretty mellow. We're winding down with summer which makes me infinitely sad. But Autumn is OK as a season, just it's not summer…LOL.
The puppy dog put something through is foot the other weekend. We're not sure what but he did a good job of it. Let's just say we're winding up week 2 of antibiotics and only recently has he got rid of the cone of shame.
He was such a bully with that thing. Once he figured out it made him that much bigger and he could just charge through most anything it was awful. To him it was the cone of "i can go wherever I damn well please and no one can stop me". He's getting better and that is the important part, hopefully his foot has healed enough for hunting season coming up. Big C anxious to have a duck hunting buddy again this year.
So that's our life, not too exciting…just living and taking the days as they're thrown at us…and somedays they are hurled at you at dizzying speeds but you bounce, tuck and roll with it and come out on the other side
Til next time…hope back to school is going well for everyone
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