We're past the mid way point of September and that makes me sad.
My barefoot days are coming to an end shortly. The seasons are going to change and I'm going to have to wear socks all the time. It makes me sad. Fall is lovely, but cold feet are not. There are lots of nice days in fall, but usually not warm enough in these parts to walk about barefoot and that is sad.
Big C's birthday is today, but he is not home with us and that is sad. He is with is dad doing some hunting and fishing so I suppose that is a good way to spend your birthday so for that I am grateful.
There is the Syrian refugee crisis and that is sad. I don't really understand all of it, but to want to pack up your family and leave a country locked in permanent unrest is a horrible thought. I feel sad for those people, and am not sad that I live in a country that people would like to come to in times of war/unrest/turmoil.
It is sad that all of them cannot be helped. You try your best and look out for your fellow human being but in the end how much do you really want to give? You're still going to make sure your family is fed and taken care of and you're never really sure if your money gets to any of them anyway and that is sad.
The little boy in Texas who made a clock and took it into his high school got arrested because the teacher thought it was a bomb. While I understand the need for caution, at the grade 9 level both student and faculty should be capable enough to explain the situation so that no one gets arrested. It makes me sad that our society is so "on edge" that a kid cannot experiment with anything any more.
The argument is there that if a kid makes a toy gun should you not be suspicious that its a real gun? It was a clock people! A clock for goodness sake. I could have made a teddy bear for home economics and put a bomb inside that, but would my teacher be suspicious, no probably not as it was so cute and fluffy. When will common sense prevail again? It make me sad to think this kid will probably never bring anything into school again, nor will his classmates, lest someone think it a bomb.
Closer to home we had an amber alert this week for a missing 2 year old. I had to explain to Miss K what an amber alert was. She thought it was a good idea, but would definitely be scary not to know where your mom and dad were, or to be taken away by someone.
Sadder still the little girl was killed. Her dad killed and her as well. Awful. No 2 year old should be killed because someone had a beef with their dad. How does the mom ever go on with life?
Then there are the other things in the news that make me sad. Like why the Kardashian's even get media coverage? Who cares what sexual orientation Miley Cyrus is? The list goes on and on, but I guess we as a culture fuel this media circus and that is sad in itself.
It's Friday today and that is not sad…so til next time ignore the things in the world that are sad and make someone happy...
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