OK, yesterday was Halloween, not normally my favourite event of the year, but after yesterday I pretty much was left with the WTF happened Impression on the day.
It started off with Big C shaving off his moustache. Yes, completely and totally off. Bare lip blowing in the breeze off. Holy crap does he look different, not bad different, just really, really, weird.
Let us understand the moustache has been part of his face since puberty. Yup, that sucker has been on his face since he could grow one. As salt is to pepper and chips are to dip, Big C has always had a stache. Always.
But not yesterday, his work mates convinced him to shave it off for charity. Around here November is a big month for moustaches. Men grow them in support of awareness for men's health and prostate cancer. A good cause for sure.
It took them 5 years to wear him down and get him to agree to the shave off. There were 5 other candidates in the running and the competition was on to raise the most money.
Big C came in second with an impressive 395 bucks raised in a little over a week. And he took it off at lunch yesterday, with me there to witness it in front of all his colleagues.
I'm still just staring at him, thinking he reminds me of someone, but I can't quite place who…he looks a lot like his dad, but that's not it…I don't know…its just really really freaky.
So that was freaky thing number one.
Then there was Miss K's peculiar behaviour last night. I went to pick her up, she'd had a great day at the sitter's. Was feeling much better after being hit with a cough/cold combo the past few days and was cheery about Halloween.
Until we got in the car to go home. Then it all went to shit. She didn't want her ghost picture, she didn't want supper, then she did. Her tummy hurt, her finger hurt, her head hurt. She wanted pizza for supper, she wanted tortellini for supper. She didn't want supper again.
Then we got home and it was one dramatic episode after another. It took forever before she even realized that Big C had shaved off the facial hair she'd known since birth.
She spent a lot of time in her room before we went trick or treating. She wasn't bad, she just could not stop crying. And crying and crying. I know she's 3 and a girl, but this was over the top even for her.
It finally passed and she was able to put on her smiling face she said. Albeit without much candy as she'd been told there'd be no treats if she didn't eat supper, which she didn't.
But that was nothing compared to the final WTF event of the evening. We'd turned off the lights about 7:45. We could see no more kids on the street, it was a miserable windy rainy night, and it was time for Miss K to go to bed.
So, I must clarify before I continue the story. The porch and outside lights were off, the pumpkin was out, all the downstairs lights where our front door is were off. Dark save for a small string of pumpkin/ghost lights in our front garden.
Miss K was in bed sound asleep, I'd folded laundry and was just getting my lunch ready for the next day when I see Big C head back downstairs. I'm figuring he's now going to clear up the candy etc… that we'd left by the door when we'd gone to take Miss K to bed.
He was actually going to look our the front door for some kids he'd seen running down the street and was checking to make sure there was no vandalism going on. We've had some recent teenagers who think its wise to graffiti peoples cars and houses because they're being told not to cut thru people's property on their way to and from school. I will get to the lazy ass attitude of some children another time.
So he's gone downstairs, I'm on the phone with a family friend and I hear the door bell go, thinking it might be a neighbour I don't think too much of it until I hear trick or treat being said.
WTF? Why are you still out? It's a miserable night, it's 8:40, you have school tomorrow, the lights are off. Why are you at my house?
I'm sure Big C was expecting a group of 16 year old kids being idiots, so I'm sure he was more gruff than he needed to be.
But he said, the lights are off, my 3 year old is upstairs in bed sound asleep, why are you ringing the doorbell at this time of night. Go home. It's over, get out of here.
And that is when the real fun started. The dad of the 8 year old girl, yes I said 8 year old was still out at 8:45 at night, took exception to how Big C was talking to his kid.
He went into how he should be apologizing to her and she's just out trick or treating and you've hurt her feelings. Your lights were on (the string of lights in the garden). And so on and so on.
Big C, stated again the house is dark, its late, my kid is asleep, why are you ringing the doorbell at this time of night, get out of here. I'm not apologizing to your kid, who by this time is bawling.
Then the voices get louder still, and another guy who is with them comes up our sidewalk grabs Big C, rips his shirt and proceeds to hurl any sort of obscenity he can at him.
At this stage I'm cutting off my phone conversation and heading downstairs to see what the hell is going on.
Attacker guy has buggered off, hiding his face and hoping we can't see him. Dad of 8 year old is still on the porch. I'm telling him to cool it and just go home.
He's saying his kid is crying, her feelings are hurt blah, blah, blah. My comment was should she not be in bed? Big C's was, what about my shirt? Ripped, stretched out etc…
Dad of kid walks away, says you're marked buddy, I know where you live. You're marked.
I'm assuming its the mom of the kid is on the front lawn, saying fuck you, this is bullshit, I'm putting this in the paper. You guys are assholes etc…
WTF? What is going on here? Dad comes back, Big C says he's calling the cops, charges of assault, uttering threats. I show buddy that I've put 911 into the phone I still have in my hand.
He walks away again all the while saying he's coming back, you better watch it, you're marked. The mom is still yelling obscenities at us while walking across our neighbours yard.
I say again WTF? Now my husband is on the front porch talking to the 911 dispatcher. While I'm watching where these doofuses are headed.
Later while Big C is giving his statement to the police officer I'm upstairs thinking to myself & still a bit shaken.
WTF? Where did this bit of violence come from? Why are you being such an idiot in front of your kid? Why are you sending them to a dark house to ring the bell? You obviously care enough to go out trick or treating with them, but what are you still doing out on a rainy night at 8:45 with an 8 year old?
We are not ever going to win parent of the year, ever. But we try. We try to keep our kid safe, develop a good routine, be responsible for our actions and hers, allow just enough freedom, but keep watch just the same.
I'm just dumbfounded by this. Absolutely dumbstruck.
Encouraging your 8 year old to keep trick or treating when there hasn't been a kid on the street in half an hour. Its cold, wet, and windy and you're out getting every last scrap of candy you can?
Why? Why are you so belligerent when someone calls you on it and says that you shouldn't be sending your kid to darkened doors at that time of night. Sorry buddy, no candy here, try the next house if you want, we're done. Why physical violence when somebody just told you to go home and leave the area?
WTF? What impression are you giving your kid? That all these behaviours are acceptable? That name calling and threats are the way to go?
We didn't hurt your kid, yup maybe she was upset, maybe she did cry and you know what for that I'm sorry. But life is hard there cupcake and I know at 8 you are not responsible for this sort of stuff. I know you probably had no idea what time it was, or that a darkened house was not a good place to come looking for treats.
I know all of those things kid, and I wish you all the best because if this is the guidance that you've got in your life, your gonna need all the help you can get.
I hope they're smart enough to realize their stupidity. I get it to a certain extent, they're protecting their kid, they want to make her safe and happy too, I know we'd do the same.
But I can't say "if we were in the same situation", because we never would be. Ever. And if I was, please someone just shoot me, because I've obviously lost half my marbles.
One poor judgement led to another and another and another. Poor kid. I know you're loved, but I hope you develop more common sense than the adults in your life.
I hope the adults don't follow through on their promise that they'll come back and we're "marked" and all the other threats because I'm just letting you know kid that your mom and dad may not be around for a while because your parents are not endangering my kid with their stupidity
People surprise me everyday, more often in a good way, but this time in the WTF were they thinking way
Til next time…lock your doors, you never know what might come to the front door