Monday, 25 January 2016

Being involved with each other

One month ago it was Christmas day, which means we are nearing the end of January already. I'm pretty sure it was just a few days ago that we were having mimosa's to usher in the new year and in another week it will be February.

It's pretty mild for the end of January too. In the positives today and some other points during the week. Rain tomorrow, which at this stage I really do wish was snow. I'm not one for the cold, but I do miss the snow. We're never going to be able to teach Miss K to ski if we never have any snow.

Speaking of snow, there was just a big Nor'Easter that blew up the Atlantic Coast of the good ol US of A. Some record snowfall amounts for sure in those parts, but as one comment said, if you are from certain parts of Canada, you just call it "Tuesday". It's only news when its something that doesn't happen in those parts very often. You just don't see huge weather head lines when Northern Ontario gets hit with 45 cm of snow. New York City yes, Timmins not so much.

Our lives have been quiet for the most part. Big C travelling a lot lately and in the next bit for work which kind of sucks, but we do have our weekends and they've been super lately.

I'm not even sure what makes them so super. We haven't done much exciting, and I don't seem to be any more caught up on housework than I usually am, but they've been good. Relaxing, enjoyable and fun, the way a weekend should be for everyone.

Perhaps its because the rush before Christmas is gone. Evenings are not filled with wrapping presents, or baking, shopping, decorating, and doing all the other things you feel you need to do. When lunches are made and dishes done, you can go and sit down and read a book or veg in front of the TV for an hour and not feel like you should be doing something else. There isn't 100 weekend commitments and the need to attend at least 95 of them.

I'm not sure. Maybe its good quality family time that is doing it? Maybe I'm just more relaxed or organized or both. 

It is nice to look forward to a weekend as time spent doing both chores and enjoyable things without dreading how you are going to cram everything in or get to all your obligations.

I wonder sometimes if we should be doing more, involved in more things or have Miss K signed up for more activity with her peers. Are Big C and I social enough? Is Miss K getting to do all the things she'd like to?

I think the answer is yes. Miss K is in swimming lessons right now. She's not overly thrilled by the process, but its a life skill and that is the only thing we will insist she do as far as lessons go. There has been talk of some sort of dance, but as of yet I cannot find much that is not a 6 month commitment not to mention 100's of dollars. 

Yesterday morning Big C pulled out the Scrabble board and we sat down and had a game, Miss K just wanted to play. I sat there at one point contemplating what to do with my letter Q, that had no "U" to go with it and thought, this is good. I really like this, warm cozy on a winter's morning, with the people I love and enjoying one another's company. I don't think any game, match, recital or whatever could make me personally much happier.

I think that is the key, finding what works for you. I realize of course the more kids you have the more weekends can get complicated, but do they need to be is the question? Are you and your kids really missing out on that much if they don't make every team or do everything their friends do?

Miss K just wanted to play by herself Sunday morning. Sure she pops by to show us what she's been making or asks for help when things are tricky, but she just wanted to play. Not on a computer, not on the iPad, not watch tv, not play a game, just play. And for that I'm happy, that she is content to do that without needing outside stimulation to accomplish the task.

Sometimes I think we structure too much in kids lives and they forget the magic of playing and being creative and coming up with something cool all on their own. 

Sure we can provide them cool things to do, but often its better to think of things yourself.

We took the dog out yesterday afternoon to do some longer retrieves. Miss K asked what she could do. We gave her a couple options to help us out, but in the end she resorted to making snow angels and rolling down the small hills in the snow. She was rosy cheeked and smiling after it all and it cost nothing, got her some exercise and fresh air and she thought of it all on her own.

That is pure heaven as far as I'm concerned. The magic of being a kid gets lost if you are always structured in your fun. Skate this way, twirl that way, wear this, wear that, line up over here, practice is at 3, too many rules and commitments takes the fun out of things.

I think that is why I've enjoyed the past few weekends so much, sure we've got swimming lessons at a set time, and there's errands to run, but overall they've been unstructured and commitment free and thus we're more free to do what we'd like to do.

Sure, I know some families would self implode if they were not at the hockey rink or baseball diamond or swimming pool every weekend and you have to do what works for you.

But if you're feeling run ragged on the weekend as well as during the week, maybe its time to stop and look around at how much you really need to be "involved" in activities and perhaps you need time to be involved with one another.

It's just a thought, until next time…take the time to see if you have enough time to enjoy life

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