Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Making lunches and the 12 bills of Christmas

December the 9th. We slowly march toward the festive season, or hurtle uncontrollably depending on your perspective. I know for one I'm counting down the remaining 7 school days until the break, at which point I will have a respite from the dreaded school lunch.

I am not a bento box, cheese cut into a locomotive and its cars kind of mom. No cutsie sandwiches or animal shaped fruit comes out of our kitchen. You want that shit, either make it yourself or find a different mom.

I ain't got time for that crap. You give me your order, that is what you get, occasionally I will think to cut the cheese into a triangle or something easily derived out of the block, but that is the extent of it.

For all you mom's out there who send delightful characters made out of vegetables or notes inscribed in their cookies, good on you. All the more power to you, but its lunch, and its all going to the same place, cute or not.

Miss K is pretty good, or should I say pretty consistent. She basically eats the same damn thing every day. I can handle it. Sometimes she even helps prep it with me. But in all honesty for the most part I do it alone, along with my own and Big C's if the need is there.

Some would say I should make her prep it. Its her lunch after all. True enough, and she will assist sometimes. 

But in all honesty at this stage in her school career it is just easy if I do it. She's still too little to cut things without supervision and I will be damned if I'm dragging out all the lunch fixings when we're trying to accomplish the whirlwind of getting home, making dinner, eating, feed and exercise the dog, snack time, bath and reading/snuggle time in the 2.5 hours we have.

I will just do the lunches on my own time with little to no help.

I do get bitter sometimes. I've always hated making lunches…it goes back to my high school days, but for about the last 30 years or so on a week day I've had to make myself a lunch and I say yuck.

I do wish someone else would do it for me. I at one point offered my mom 5 bucks to make my lunch every day for high school. She paused, obviously doing the math like I was and was about to say yes, when I finally figured out that would be 25 bucks a week I'd have to pay her to make my lunch.

I lived in the day and age where you could buy a school lunch for about 5 bucks or less, so I quickly decided against hiring her.

It's not that I hate taking a lunch. I don't at all. It's usually healthier, and a ton cheaper than buying something every day, I just hate assembling the damn thing. 

You can send me 30 different ways to make things more efficient or whatever and it still boils down to the same thing, I'm making my damn lunch.

Yes, yes I know be thankful I have the leftovers or supplies to make a lunch and snacks. I get all that, I'm not being ungrateful, just whiny.

Everyone has that chore they hate…for some its laundry, others vacuuming, for me its making lunches (and doing dishes). And unlike some chores it cannot be put off, if you want to eat a lunch the next day you must assemble it prior to that time and bring to your final destination for the day.

A necessary evil. Big C says its in the "contract" that I make his lunch when he requires one as well. 

I would love to see this contract, but do admit he will help me out from time to time, not that it makes it any better but at least the painful process is over somewhat quicker.

Aside from my lunch rant, life is pretty normal. The dog has something wrong with his one foot, its all swollen. All of them were at one point, now it seems to be just the one. May that go away soon, lest there be a big vet bill before Christmas.

My car is sounding weird. Crossing my fingers it will just keep rolling along for the next 2 weeks and save me a big repair bill. 

Ahhh money tree where art thou? There should be the 12 bills of Christmas song…the bills you weren't expecting but came at this time of year anyway.

Til next time…may your kids get some sort of Christmas lunch at school so there is one less to make 

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