I've had a couple posts started lately but they've never made it to the world wide web.
I'm not really even sure what they were about, or if they were of any substance or just mindless drivel, probably a mix of the two.
So, what is happening? Ehhh, not much really. Work is work, life seems to be a never ending merry go round, kind of the same all the time, but it never stops.
My kid is going to be 5 years old in a couple of weeks. Yup, the big number 5. Cannot believe it, she's grown so much and become her own little person its fantastic and scary all at the same time.
Where did my little tiny baby girl go? She's all legs, and elbows now. She still loves to curl up and snuggle which makes me happy and I hope that never changes. And she gives fantastic hugs without provocation and I hope she always wants to.
Miss K is everything a 5 year old should be. Brimming with confidence and bravado the one minute, and the next they need you there to hold their hand.
She's a cautious kid for the most part, unsure of herself and what she can and cannot do. We are exhausted listening to her say she "can't" do something and we tell her that all we want her to do is try. Just try. You don't have to be perfect, you just have to try and ask for help if you need it.
Her current obsession is making books. She likes to take a bunch of paper fold it in half and staple the edge and then begin making a written and illustrated book about whatever comes to mind.
They're all pretty funny, we've had the "planting" book, the picnic book, my family book, the zoo book and so on. The spelling is atrocious, but in her defence, it is as the words sound for the most part, plus she is only 4 almost 5 years old
I can see that I will have a battle with some teacher down the line as to why they don't crack down on bad spelling and word usage but for now I will let the phonetic spelling slide…I say for now because adults who cannot spell or don't know the difference between "there", "their" and "they're" drive me crazy.
English is a tough language. We have a ton of words that don't get spelled the way they sound and a ton more that are homonyms. I get that its hard to teach all the kids in the class to spell words correctly and that the main goal is to get them writing and expressing their thoughts, but you have to draw a line somewhere.
If as a kid in 2nd or 3rd grade you can't spell basic words I think we need to take a look at our educational system and stop settling for "good enough" or "well, you know what I'm trying to say", how bout we focus on getting it right for a change.
Sorry district school board, but I'm teaching my kid that there is a difference between pair, pear and pare, or hair and hare or that phone is spelled with a "ph" and not an "f" despite how it sounds. Maybe I am just siko (psycho) but there will be no excuse for poor spelling in our household.
So that is life around our parts. Gotta figure out something to do for the big 5 year old party. We didn't have much of anything last year as we were living in the in between house, maybe have something more fancy this year? And by fancy I mean have a half dozen people over for cake…lol
Better get going and get this posted, or else it will fall in the heap of things written and never quite said out loud on the internet
Til next time...
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