Wednesday, 28 January 2015

2015 and all is good

Wow it's been a long time since I've written a post. Like really, really freaking long. Last year long, about 7 weeks ago long.

Perhaps life got in the way of writing or something. I'm not really sure to be honest. It didn't seem that busy. 

The holiday season was really good actually. We started off poorly with an intestinal bug that Miss K brought home the last day of school before Christmas break, but other than that things were good. Relaxing actually. And if you consider losing some weight pre-holidays a bonus, then I guess we were really good!

Christmas was crazy but good, New Year's low key, but good. January so far, good

Things are good, I'm sleep deprived but that is nothing new, comes with the territory of being a parent. They congratulate you when your baby sleeps through the night, but don't tell you that you won't actually get to sleep through a night very often after that.

There's the bad dreams, "I need to go pee", "I need a drink", the crying, talking and coughing in their sleep that will prevent you from having no more that one full nights sleep in any 7 day period.

MIss K doing well, still loves school and is super stoked about winter and all the activities that come along with it. We've got a small skating rink in the back yard, a rather bad ass snowman, we went sledding twice last weekend (try to ban tobogganing from us rebels and you're in for a battle!) and she's thinking that she might like to try skiing again sometime soon. 

She is also super excited about the vacation we've got coming up. 33 days or so to go by her countdown chart. I'm not sure that we really can afford to go away, but probably for all our mental health we probably cannot afford not to.

Big C winding down his stint in the big city. He's been there for 5+ months now. Only about 3 days a week, but its taking its toll on him. We both figure he's going to be bored stiff when he returns to his regular position but hopefully something comes up that will rescue him from that fate.

Big C and I are doing pretty good. I still worry about him a lot. I see such improvement, but also hints of that guy who seemed very lost for so long. Overall though, it's good, whatever happens, happens and there's absolutely nothing I can do to stop it.

I've got to be me and control my thoughts/feelings/reactions etc… everything else will fall into place the way it was meant to be

I'm still staying positive for the most part, not the rose coloured glasses eternal optimist, but upbeat in a pragmatic and practical way.

Like for example, every night I think I will get a wonderful 8 hours of shut eye and feel refreshed and rejuvenated come the morning, but when the reality hits that I got about 6 hours of sleep and don't actually feel like something the cat dragged in it really is a good thing.

I remain positive that I can write more on this blog in the next weeks as well

Til next time…get some sleep for me

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