As of yesterday at about 3:30 pm we are officially homeless. Maybe homeless is a bad word to use, we have a roof over our head and a place to eat and sleep, but we have no fixed address for the next 5 or so weeks.
It's a weird feeling. I've always had a permanent residence. Even when I rented in college I still considered "home" my mom's place.
It was a weird day yesterday. It was my 42nd birthday and we were leaving our home of almost 7 years. Bittersweet is an understatement.
Oddly, I wasn't all that emotional yesterday. Sad yes. But overly sentimental no.
However, the other day we had to go back to our old house from our "in between house" to give Kaitlyn a bath. (The plug in the tub didn't work correctly at our in between house, and being a stat holiday nothing was open to fix it so off we went to where the plumbing functioned the way it should.)
We got back and it was like a rush of memories hit me at once. Big C and I moved in there before we were married so it was a lot of big life events that happened there. Our Mudpuppy came to live with us after the marriage, we had Miss K, we painted, we renovated, we got our new pup and so on
It all hit me in wave after wave of reminiscence. Like every step I climbed up to get to the bathroom was another year of nostalgia whacking me in the head and heart. I was choked up by the time I got to the top of the stairs
I know its only a house and our family is really where "home" is but it's difficult just the same. You look around and see things and the good and bad memories that went along with it.
Crazy stuff. I will miss the house, so many things that I really loved about it, but in many ways it didn't work for us anymore and thus it is time to move on.
We had a good chat with the neighbours we were closest with yesterday too which helped. We wish we could take them with us, but we're only going to be across town, so I suspect we'll see them at the grocery store a time or two.
Miss K doing ok with the change I think. It is the only house she's ever known and she was a little sad about having to leave, but very very happy that she gets to bring all her stuff with her. I think she was a little worried that the new people were going to use her toys or something and sit on our couch and so on. Kind of funny, but cute as she's 3.
I think the dog is confused. Happy that we're there, but confused a little bit as to why we don't have a big backyard anymore and he doesn't have a deck to sit on and survey the neighbourhood.
In time it will be good. It's good now, but more memories and good times to be had at the new house.
I will miss you old house, you will be in my heart along with the few other places that I've lived. Thanks for the memories, and I hope the new people treat you well
Til next time…when I tell you tales of living in the in-between house
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