Oh no, what have we done? Remember how I said we were kind of stuck in one endless repeating circle? Well, change is on the way.
A big one. Really, really big change, in a very small package.
We're getting a puppy. Sometime in early December our lives are going to be turned upside down.
I'm excited and scared all in one emotion. I didn't really want a puppy, was hoping for a more mature dog, at least 6 or 8 months old.
But as the saying goes, opportunity will knock and you have to listen. We even put a deposit on this opportunity, so its not going away.
Again I say, oh no what have we done? This is not going to be good, cute and furry yes, good no. The only thing that could be worse is if I was having another kid about 2 weeks before the puppy's arrival.
Please, please, please let this work out all right. Miss K is so wanting this to happen. She is still torn up about the loss of our Mudpuppy.
Just last night we caught her up close to the TV because there was a puppy on it. She said she was touching the TV because she wanted to pet the puppy. She went into a long lament about missing our Mudpuppy and wanting another dog etc…
Puppies in the not too distant future is a hard concept for a three year old to grasp. She was sort of thinking that when we went to see the "mom" of our new addition on the weekend that we'd be bringing a puppy home that day.
No we told her there are puppies growing in her belly, it will be a while before we can see them and longer still before we can bring it home.
I hope she gets it, it will be another 6 weeks or so before the puppies are big enough after being born that we can go see them.
Oh, god the puppy stage. I'm not sure that I want to do this. But we couldn't pass it up. A breeding and pedigree that was sound and proven.
A mother dog that was keen to hunt and retrieve but was docile and calm around the house. A father dog along the same lines.
An older dog would have been ideal, house trained, some basic obedience already, kennel trained, could leave it for longer periods of time etc… But also rare to find, and much more in the cost department.
Yes, we'd love to rescue a shelter dog, but our needs/wants are more specific so we're going this route.
It's not cheap either and we've got a whole lot of logistics to work out in the next few months, but deep down I think it will go OK, at least I hope so…
Change is coming and its going to be black with four furry feet and a cold nose.
Oh yeah, and a co-worker of Big C's is coming to look at our house tomorrow. He's looking to move to the area and thinks our house might fit the bill.
Egads, wouldn't that be a trip. Sell our house, buy a new one and move all before the new fur kid comes along
Should be a fun run up to the end of the year n'est ce pas?
Til next time…think of puppy names…lol