Monday, 8 December 2014

Reasoning for the Season?

17 days and counting until Christmas, 85% of the shopping done in good shape overall, but Christmas brings me to a topic that I don't like to discuss much…religion.

Jesus is the reason for the season, and if you are not a part of Christianity in some respect or form, Christmas should probably not even fall on your radar. I guess there are the pagan origins and other such traditions, but at the root of it all it is a Christian holiday.

I'm not going all bible thumpy on you dear reader, not at all. That is not, nor will it ever be me. I spent the better part of my formative years in many different types of religious settings, be it Catholic, Baptist or some other sort of denomination. Had we had Jewish and Muslim folks in our small town, I might have even experienced those too.

But religious I'm not. Or maybe I am, religion by definition is an organized collection of thoughts on the universe/supreme beings etc… I'm paraphrasing of course, but I have some pretty strong feelings on those who claim to be religious or do things for religious reasons.

At a very fundamental level I have  problem with any system that casts prejudice or persecutes because it doesn't fall within the "religion guidelines" Catholics condemn the gays and are strong on pro-life views, certain groups condemn women and treat them as second class. If we take a look at the ongoing conflicts in the world are not a lot of them generated from one group/tribe/religion believing itself superior to the other?

I think it's all crap.

I don't argue with faith, and belief in a higher power, a sense of community and servitude, that's all good stuff and falls in line with my philosophy of treat others as you'd want to be treated. Worship God, Allah, Buddha, the earth and sky, Colonel Sanders for all I care, just don't use it as an excuse as to why you did or didn't do something.

You and only you are ultimately responsible for what you do. Don't tell me the church made you do it, or so and so came to you in a dream and said all blue eyed people are evil. Your religion is not an excuse for your actions.

If you go out and deliberately harm someone or something it is not in the name of (insert higher power here), it is your dumb ass self that is doing the deed. If you lack the judgement to determine right and wrong and good vs. evil don't use religion as your justification.

I don't buy it. I'm not professing to be holier than thou and more worthy than anyone else. That's not my nature. I live by my integrity alone. If I think I've done something wrong, I cop to it, simple as that. I don't gossip, criticize or be intentionally vindictive if I can help it. 

I'm not perfect, never will be, I sling some shit from time to time, but I really do live by the golden rule. Treat others as you'd want to be treated. I help out when I can or am able as I know that there will come a time that I will need the same. I don't dish out more than I can take if you know what i mean.

If I say something unkind about someone, I figure that someone is doing the same about me. Karma is a mean bitch and she'll come around and kick your ass if you aren't careful.

I'm not super cheery, always making muffins for the PTA, working at the homeless shelter, rescuing kittens in my basement or painting rainbows on the walls in the local hospital.

I'm just me, trying to be the best person I can be, with a faith and belief in a higher or collective power.

We chose to send Miss K to Catholic school for a whole host of reasons, top of the list was not that she could receive a catholic education.

But at the top of the list was to put her in a place where she could learn about the world and develop her own love for her fellow schoolmates and teachers, that was in a caring and nurturing environment.

Already she's become a better person, she knows that Jesus has a birthday at Christmas, that yes Santa comes and brings presents but perhaps there is something more than just that. Our public education system is so afraid of offending someone that I'd be surprised if there was much mention at all of the actual reason that Christmas is celebrated. 

I feel strongly that she's in the right place, and despite my objections to religion as a whole, I think she's getting a better picture on the world as well as learning to read and write.

Til the next time….what do you believe in?

Monday, 1 December 2014

My new love affair

I have a new love. It has been building for a little while now. Over the course of the last couple of years I've seen an intermittent crush turn into a full blown all out love affair. I'm smitten beyond belief and it is time to let the world know about it.

No, I'm not confessing infidelity with Big C., quite the contrary. But there is a strong love affair in my life and it is never more prevalent than at this time of year.

I love online shopping. I mean seriously love it. It totally rocks my world and this year is going to rock the majority of the Christmas presents under the tree.

No crowds, no driving, no waiting, and the big one no time wasted.

I did some online shopping last week at a major retailer's website, I purchased about 12 items in approximately 15 minutes. Even if I did not count the drive to the nearest store, there is no way I could have physically bought those items by walking through the store and paying at the checkout in that time frame. No way. Not possible. 

3 days later it was all delivered to my front door, without me having to battle a crowded parking lot, rude people or any other such atrocity associated with the festive season. Now, one item did end up being back ordered but they promised speedy delivery once back in stock.

Not only can I have stuff shipped to myself, I can have it shipped to other people too! Gift wrapped if I so choose. 

Did I mention for the most part all of these online shipping charges amount to nothing, nada, zip, zero, zilch. Order a certain amount or order from certain places and it won't cost you a cent to have it come to your door or someone else's door if you wish.

How cool is this?

I'm hooked. Totally one hundred percent hooked. It started many years ago, with a few hard to find or specialty items that could only be found in far away places or certain stores and it grew and grew to where this year I do believe that 3/4 of my holiday shopping will have been completed online in some fashion.

There are the true die hard shoppers out there that swear by the personal touch of going out and getting the full sensory onslaught that is Christmas shopping. And truth be told I will do some of that too.

But why waste my time, energy, gas and most of all patience, when I can order what I want and ship it to whom I want in the comfort of my own home at 9pm on a Sunday night? I ask you that question?

The holidays are stressful enough, we have a full scale renovation that is going on, we have a 4 year old who would like as much of our time as we can spare her, why add to it by having to allot a whole afternoon or even a full day to getting your xmas shopping done?

Thinking about the shopping time alone makes me want to have a small panic attack, never mind the driving time to and from the stores, finding parking, battling the elements as it is December in Canada. Why would I put myself through this torture?

I will go get stocking stuffers in person, I will write out Christmas cards and send them in the mail, I will spend time baking and decorating and doing the things we like to do for the holidays. I will put my heart and soul into all that is Christmas, but if I can indulge in this one new love please don't judge me.

I love the glow of the laptop or iPad screen telling me that my order will arrive in 2-3 business days. I love seeing the packages on the front porch. Seeing each of them reminds me that I probably saved a minimum of 1 hour of my life to do something else just by double clicking on that "place order" button and I couldn't be happier.

Til next time….if you're awake at 9 pm on a Sunday night, I'm probably in my p.j.'s shopping for