Monday, 24 November 2014

Quality time, or lack thereof

It's November 24th today. One month until Christmas eve. It's balmy, raining and windy today, snow flurries are back tomorrow. I'm feeling the first pangs of Christmas panic setting in.

The shopping is pretty much under control which is great, but the decorating, wrapping, baking, cooking, cards, get-togethers, is going to hit us like a steamroller soon. 

We're just starting to get a handle on the renovations…as in we might actually be able to move into our master bedroom and start using it soon, we may not be able to hang clothes in the closet, but we're almost there. There's the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel…

But Christmas is going to screw it all up.

We're going to be stretched too thin. There's going to be too much going on that we're going to get sick, or we're going to miss out on something we really should have done, we're going to yell and scream at one another or something ugly is going to come of it.

Yes, this doesn't bode well for my positive outlook, but I"m not maintaining much faith that the festive season is going to be the least bit relaxing.

I'm prepared to put in the work, and I've resolved to do that which I'm able, I or we cannot extend ourselves much more than we have. I need a break, we all need a break, but I don't think its coming any time soon.

I felt pretty bad this weekend as the only quality time I spent with Miss K was when we were out building a snowman Saturday afternoon, and when we played a couple board games Saturday night. Sunday was a blur and she spent too much time in front of the TV. We did do dishes together, but chores shouldn't be part of quality time.

Miss K is a good kid and truthfully she likes days that she can just play and stay in her pi's. It's the odd weekend that we do not do something all together and this was one of them, but sometimes sacrifices have to be made to get shit done.
I try not to think about all that has to be done, it can overwhelm in a heartbeat. December isn't even here yet and I know there's going to be an onslaught of things that Miss K wants to do and see, not to mention Big C, and don't even go down the road of what I might want to do…

We'll get through it, but when those first Christmas songs start playing on the radio, I feel the pressure starting to build. I don't have any sort of Norman Rockwell holiday season image to live up to, but you see the fear/panic in people's faces as they try to go to everything, do everything, be everything that they think Christmas should be.

I hope for a simpler holiday, of spending time and joy with those who mean the most and not feeling like I need to bake a 7 layer trifle with homemade sprinkles every time we go somewhere.

The trick is to get what you want to do done, that which is in reason, even it that is only getting the laundry off the dining room table so that people have a place to eat Christmas dinner.

There should not be stress or panic at Christmas, the expectations that are out there are set by ourselves only, maybe in some part holiday advertising and seriously, who has time for all that shit?

I know I don't. 

I resolve to give myself a break this holiday season and try to enjoy the festivities all the while getting renovations done and perhaps making some kick ass peanut butter balls too!

Til next time…I hope all your Christmas plans come together

Friday, 14 November 2014

Wooly wearing time

It has been too long since the last post. I had one typed up about a week ago, and a couple days passed with it on my desktop, and but that time I felt it was no longer relevant to post.

Life isn't really much busier than before, but things seem to pile up and writing gets pushed to the back burner a bit.

Halloween came and went. A rainy night, but not downpours so we did take in about 9 houses with Miss K. Bless her heart she had a bucket full of candy and decided at the end of the night that she would just have her fruit like normal for a snack before bed. I'm stating to pick away at the treats now, as she no longer has much interest in what is in there. She likes the stuff, she just isn't driven by that sugar craze that some kids have.

We are now in the middle of November, on the downward slide to Christmas. Snow flakes have even been in the air. Miss K is super pumped over that, she loves snow and playing in it. It will be a nice winter at the new place. It means spending more money though…we had to get something bigger and better to move snow than our 28" snowblower, Big C figured we'd be about 4 hours clearing snow with it if we got a big dump. So tomorrow we get to pick up our ATV with plow attached.

I'm kind of excited, and kind of not excited about all the money that seems to be flowing out our doors right now. It will be ok as our assets are more than our debts it just doesn't seem to stop right now and xmas is just around the corner…oh yay! Ramen noodles and KD for all of 2015! LOL

As for staying positive, that has been going pretty well. I wouldn't say I'm rocking the positive train right now, but despite some crap going on I've been doing ok.

Miss K running a fever last night which was worrisome, Big C had a cough for 3+ weeks that is troubling, the puppy dog leaves on Sunday for 3 or 4 weeks to do some training which is sad, our new heated floor is not working which pisses me off because it's the one thing that I really did want out of this renovation. I don't ask for much and this was a true luxury, but if they cannot get it to work…well then this lady is going to be somewhat disgruntled. I hate having cold feet and this was to be an indulgent treat…there will be hell to pay and money refunded if the flooring guys screwed up when they put it in that's for sure….

But they're minor annoyances, life bumps, overall things are good, busy but good. A little scared that xmas is coming and we're nowhere close to being done enough shopping or have any sort of plan for decorations etc…but we'll just wing it.

Big C and I are holding our own, another date night this week and overall a little more solid footing in our household. Day by day, step by step. I would like more time to ask how he's really doing, hoping to get to do that this weekend, really have a chat, but we'll get there

Til next time…wear your woolies, its cold out there!