Is it just me or are kids really really hard to figure out?
Miss K is great. She's happy, cheerful, very kind and loving, active, funny, basically all the things you want a kid to be. Overall she's a joy to be around and we love her dearly, but lord, some days a complete frigging mystery.
There's the fierce independence that shows in her when she insists on doing everything herself. It's a great quality and one I hope that she develops and grows.
But its tempered with the melt down in 3.2 seconds because she cannot draw a tulip, get the glue container open, or has a wet sock for any number of reasons
Honestly? The same kid that will insist on cutting up her own fruit (with supervision) for her lunch snack, who clears the table without being asked, who will feed the dog after supper cannot make the mental leap to take off her sock when it gets wet? OMG!
Then there is the more social side of things. Miss K is an introvert, always will be I think. She's got 2 parents who vary in their introversion, but passed along the trait to her nonetheless, it is there in her in spades.
We attended a family function over Thanksgiving weekend. True to form Miss K stuck rather close to me for most of the afternoon. There were other kids she knew there, she doesn't know them well, but they are not unfamiliar like the rest but still she would not leave my side to go and venture to play.
Fine. I've got no issues, she's too young to push into uncomfortable situations and if memory serves I was a lot like that too at her age.
Except on the flip side, this is the same kid who will flawlessly sing 2 songs learned at school in front of a room of 20 people without hesitation after the family dinner.
Drama queen to the fullest.
Maybe she does get it from me. I'm more comfortable speaking to 1000 people in an auditorium than making idle small talk in a group of 2 or 3.
Weird how that is. Not something that i could have ever taught her. We don't go to places where her dad or I are particularly uncomfortable so she wouldn't see our quiet side come out, must be inherited somehow.
She seems to have settled in at school and talks about interacting with peers, so I know she's not hunched in a corner somewhere, but her fear and awkwardness in new situations with new people comes from her parents even though we have not in any way shown her examples of it
Odd, one of the wonders of the human mind, though I'm sure there are some very extroverted kids with introverted parents and vice versa. You just never know what you're going to get do you?
And far be it from me to figure the little suckers out. I guess that is why you love them. They're a miniature version of their parents in so many ways, but God put a big crazy twist in there somewhere and they just mess with your head a lot of the time.
I'm not sure if it keeps me young or just gives me more grey hairs.
Til next time…may your kid not have a break down because you gave them orange cheese instead of white